In case you don’t already know and use this great chocolate super food, I want to introduce you to Raw Cacao. Although you can use Raw Cacao in similar ways as Cocoa Powder, it is not to be confused with regular Cocoa Powder because it is so much more! Raw Cacao is high in antioxidants,…
Archives for January 2017
Be an “Outsider”– Why Homeschool Parents Should Think Outside the Box
Sometimes we try to put our children “inside the same box” when another way is usually better. Jen Mason at Working at Homeschool asked me to do a guest post for her blog today. In the post, I share what it was like growing up as a homeschooler in my own family and how that has helped…
Back to the Basics Words for 2017 and Fast Frijoles Broiled Burritos
Last night I had a terrible dream…I know in the Bible that the Lord spoke to people through dreams, so maybe He still does that today as well. Whether or not my dream was “the Lord talking to me”, it really shook me up and caused me to think about the coming year and what…