The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of delight and activity as we welcomed our new little addition, William Kyle to our family!
William Kyle
The whole family with one day old William.
The Birth
William made his entrance after 14 long and tiring hours of labor. Aside from this labor being longer than our others, it went smoothly and we are so glad he is here! We are also glad that he decided to come four days early!
Kyle weighing William and cutting the cord.
Our wonderful and sweet team of midwives!
Kyle putting on the first diaper.
We are so in love with our new little man!
The the kids get to meet their new baby brother!
Talk about JOY!!!
William and Mommy portraits at one week old.
William’s oldest sister knitted him this special and soft blanket in the pictures below.
Soon I will try and get back to posting recipes, tips and such, but for now, we are relishing this new gift…

So beautiful, Kristin. Thank you for sharing the whole amazing processs. Such love surrounds little William. Congratulations and love from the Simmons family.
You radiat such beauty!!! I never thought of taking “Mama and Baby” pictures. They are beautiful!! It is so wonderful to see others with big families. People think we are so weird for wanting more after having 10 plus 1 miscarriage. Unfortunately I think we’re done as I’m to have my 49th birthday next week. I love your blog but know the joy and “fullness of day” with a new baby! Let the world go by for now. We understand.
Thank you for sharing these intimate times with us! William is just beautiful!
Thank you for sharing! The pictures are so beautiful. :). God bless you as you enjoy him and adjust too.
I don’t know you, but I am blessed with your joyful attitude!
God bless you as you enjoy your new little one!
Beautiful pictures! Such a special way to share this precious occasion. So happy for you all!
Love and miss you all!
What a refreshing and elegant post. Congratulations on the birth of William! He is an incredibly beautiful baby. Thank you for sharing this with your readers and so soon after he was born. The blanket that Scarlet made him is just perfect..well done!