After you read this post, scroll to the bottom to download my FREE gift to you of my new Calligraphy Print as a thank you for being with me on this blogging journey the last 5 years.
This is a difficult post to write, but one that I know in my heart I must. Simplify is the word that keeps coming to mind when I think about what the Lord is leading me towards in 2019. If you read my recent post about the Good Duck Shepherd and the valuable lesson I learned you will know how the Lord leads us in different directions for our good even when it may seem otherwise at the time.
Last year my family encountered some tremendously deep valleys. You can read more about those particular difficulties and circumstances in this Dwell on the Lovely post. Those valleys greatly affected our family in many ways. The things we went through really reminded me how important the people in my life are and that the relationships to those that are nearest and dearest are of utmost importance. 2019 is a chance for new beginnings and hopefully changes for the better…
I have been blogging for over 5 years and it has been a wonderful experience that has taught me a lot, but right now what I think the Lord wants me to learn is that to everything there is a season and maybe this season is coming to a close in my life. I’m not sure that it will be a season that is closed forever…perhaps this is just a sabbatical year, but what I do feel confident in is that the Lord is leading me to simplify and shift some of my focus for the coming year. Here are a few of my reasons for simplifying in 2019-
Many of you know that we are expecting our 9th baby next month. This is a tremendous blessing that I am so looking forward to and I want to relish this time with my wee one! Find me on my Joyful Jane Facebook page if you’d like to see when the baby arrives and to find out if it is a boy or a girl as the gender of this baby is a surprise to us!
I am homeschooling our children in 6 grades currently and that takes a huge portion of my time and dedication, so I plan to make some changes in that area as well this year.
I still plan to continue to run my photography and calligraphy businesses because they help me to connect in person with many people and bless them through the photography and art, plus it brings me JOY to serve my clients in this way.
My main goal for 2019 is to love the people well with whom the Lord puts before me this year. What this will look like exactly, I can’t say, but I don’t want to regret the time I spend away from my family and pausing blogging will help with this. I am not sure how long of a pause this will entail, but I am confident that the Lord at least is leading me to take a sabbatical year from blogging for 2019. After that, I will evaluate where I am and where I feel the Lord is leading and see where to go from there.
I am not going away entirely…I will still be reachable on my Joyful Jane Facebook Page and I hope you will follow there if you haven’t already. I will leave the blog up this year as I figure out my next steps so that you all can have access to the recipes and posts and such in the coming year, but I don’t plan to do many, if any, new posts in 2019.
My goal all along for this blog has been to encourage women as they not only pursue healthier eating but to also encourage them in their walk with the Lord. I hope that with the Lord’s help I have I accomplished those goals.
If something on this blog has encouraged or inspired you in some way over the years, I would be so blessed to know that. Would you be so kind as to leave me a comment below and tell me how or what has helped you?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following this journey with me and I hope we meet again sometime in a new season.
Farewell until we meet again and Blessings to you in the New Year!
I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I DO know who holds tomorrow, so I plan to wake up and cling to Jesus each day and trust his plan for my life will be just what I need. His way is perfect and good. I hope that this new print that I wrote in calligraphy and my friend Nancy painted in watercolor will be a blessing to you and a reminder that Jesus is the only SURE thing we know about tomorrow…
Download our FREE Gift to you of the new Calligraphy Print for 2019 HERE
In the Morning When I Rise Give Me Jesus

Congratulations on #9! As fellow homeschoolers with 7 still at home, I’m also striving toward simplicity in all of our ways.
Aside from the wisdom, beauty and elegance, and the most delicious bread recipe (among others!), one of the ways I’ve been inspired is: No one is immune to suffering, no matter how perfect their lives may seem, and that suffering produces joy and closeness to the Lord. I also loved the duck post. <3
May God bless your journey with abundance! Thanks for everything.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I truly appreciate you taking the time to let me know!
You have been a real blessing! May ALL your paths lead to the Throne of God!!
I am so glad! Thank you!
God Bless You!
God bless you, too! =)
I was newly married and new to THM… I would’ve never believed that I could make delicious bread. Much less healthy and delicious bread!
Your recipe and helpful hints changed all that! Thank you so much
Yay!!! Jennifer, this makes me so happy to read this about the bread recipe!!! So glad it has been helpful to you! =)
God bless you as you follow His direction. And enjoy that new little one when it arrives!!
Thank you Lori! We are so looking forward to meeting our new addition-such a blessing!
Enjoy your rest! Lord bless you and your family!
Thank you Holly! Miss your sweet family! Hope things are going well in your new adventure!
I am so pleased Call You Friend. I am so proud to watch you seek and serve the Lord. I have been Most Blessed by your writings about things the Lord has taught you. I think my all-time favorite was the one about your year of fun. I was really inspired and it was fun to see it in writing and pictures having already heard about it and watched it in person.
Thank you Natalie for being my encourager throughout the years! You have always imparted wisdom and kindness in my life and I will always be grateful! I’m so glad the Year of Fun post was inspiring…it was definitely a stretch for me and turned out to be such an awesome year in spite of the hurdles! =)
What a joy to be expecting #9 soon! It has been refreshing to read the honesty in your blog posts but more so to see how God has worked in your lives in and through your hurts. May the year ahead bring renewed joy to all of your family.
Thank you Jenn! Wish you were here to meet the new baby, but I know the Lord has led you to a new place with new opportunities! The Lord has done many things in our life and shown me his faithfulness throughout each one!
Your writing has blessed my life tremendously! Thank you for sharing from your heart and life. I have been inspired to live more joyfully through your words of encouragement. I am so blessed to have you as a dear close friend through the years and look forward to many more. I am so very excited in anticipating the arrival of baby Hay in February. I understand the desire to simplify and respect that decision. The Joyful Jane blog will be missed in my life.
Much love to you and your family!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words and support Sarah! I have been blessed by you more than you can ever know! So many years we have had to correspond and share in life together! =)
Kristen, Having known you for 20+ years now, I have no doubt God put you in my life to bless and encourage me…you are a gem!! I’ve enjoyed reading your honest, genuine posts and learned so much from your thm info … thank you! SO excited for new baby to arrive. Love you to the moon and back!
Thank you Kristi for the kind words…you also have been such a blessing not only in my life, but in the lives of everyone who knows you! You have been a great example to me of a godly wife and mother and I am so glad we have known each other for so many years through the good times and the valleys…
“What God has planned for those who love Him is MORE than eyes have seen, ears have heard, it has never even entered our minds!”
Wonders ahead. Congratulations on #9!
I have really enjoyed your blog! My favorite recipe is your sprouted bread. I make it often. Tony has been gluten intolerant, but he is able to eat the sprouted bread fine. Your other posts about things you have learned have been so encouraging for me. I have loved them all and they have helped in some way. I think my favorite is the duck post. Your scripture prints are also wonderful. The bird one with Joy is in my hall, so I see it everyday. It came just when I needed it, too. Just like your blog posts! Thank you for sharing your stories!!!!
Thank you for your insightful posts. As a former homeschooling mom of six ( all have graduated), I certainly understand your desire to simplify. The years go by quickly, so you definitely want to enjoy your children and speak truth into their lives while they are home. Our children ( and grandchildren) are our greatest treasures! And thank you for the calligraphy gifts. Very beautiful!