Hot, gooey, fluffy and scrumptious…I could go on and on about these delicious and healthy sprouted wheat cinnamon rolls! I grew up making healthy cinnamon rolls with my mother. She taught me how to roll the dough out and to spread the butter and pure maple syrup. Now, I am teaching my own kids to help me make cinnamon rolls at our house, but there is a big difference. I choose to use sprouted flour to make my cinnamon rolls instead of the plain whole wheat flour I used as a girl and I also use a lower glycemic sweetener to help avoid blood sugar spiking. These are perfect for a Trim Healthy Mama treat!
The simple reason for using sprouted flour instead of regular whole wheat flour is that when a grain, such as wheat, is sprouted it is changed into more of a vegetable by sprouting. Essentially, the sprouted grain is then recognized more like a vegetable to our body, thus it is less likely to spike the blood sugar in the body like un-sprouted flour does. I go into much more detail about sprouted flour and its benefits on my Easy Sprouted Whole Grain and Honey Bread post
Check out our
Sprouted bread making video
on YouTube to help you see exactly what I do when I make my bread and why I use sprouted flour!
This picture is of my sister and me when I was 3 years old making the dough we used for our bread and cinnamon rolls.
These sprouted cinnamon rolls are truly delicious! I’m kind of a cinnamon roll critic, so I tweaked the recipe over and over again until I felt it was just right! The dough is soft and produces an exceptionally fluffy roll, while the bottom is coated with a delicious sticky caramel-like syrup. I like pecans on the bottom of my cinnamon rolls, so I add those, but you could certainly leave them off if you prefer yours without nuts. They are delicious just this way by themselves, however if you want to amp up the special factor then serve them topped with a bit of cream cheese icing. I taste-tested these sprouted cinnamon rolls on several people outside of my family and all of them gave them two thumbs up! My family was delighted as well! I choose to take the shortcut route and use my bread machine to make the dough for these, but you could also use a stand mixer to make the dough. Read all about both processes on my extensive post here about my THM Easy Sprouted Whole Grain and Honey Bread Machine Bread recipe.

Scrumptiously Soft and Fluffy Sprouted Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon Roll Sprouted Dough Recipe and Instructions on THIS POST (the same dough I use for my sprouted bread).
(yields 3 pans of 8 each for a total of 24 cinnamon rolls).
Cinnamon Roll Ingredients and Instructions Below-
1 stick of butter, well softened and divided into two
1 1/2 stick butter, melted (divided for three pans = 4 Tablespoons per pan)
2 cups Xylitol**
1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses
1/2 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (divided for three pans = 1/2 cup per pan)
(See pictures below of the cinnamon roll making process.)
Make dough per your preferred method of either the bread machine, the stand mixer or by hand (see recipe and detailed directions HERE). While dough is mixing, stir together xylitol, blackstrap molasses and cinnamon (you may have to work it together with your fingers to get the molasses incorporated well with the xylitol) and set aside.
For the bottom of the pans, melt 1 1/2 sticks of butter and divide evenly (4 tablespoons each) into three 9 inch glass pie pans. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of xylitol/molasses/cinnamon mixture on top of butter evenly. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of chopped pecans on top of butter and sweetener mixture.
Divide remaining Xylitol mixture in half and set aside to use inside the rolled dough.
When dough cycle is done, divide the dough in half. Using a rolling pin, roll out each half of dough onto a lightly floured surface into a rectangular shape about 10×18 inches each. Spread the well softened butter evenly onto each of the 10×18 rolled dough portions (4 Tablespoons onto each portion). Sprinkle the remaining xylitol mixture that you’ve already halved onto each 10×18 rolled dough portion. Starting on the long side, roll the dough into a log and try to slightly secure the dough by pinching it together. Cut the logs of rolled dough (if you don’t have a sharp knife then dental floss works great to cut the dough) into about 1- 1/2 inch rolls and place the rolls into the prepared pans. (Note-I like my cinnamon rolls to look really even and pretty, so I usually reserve the 4 end pieces of the log and bake them in a smaller pan by themselves but you can certainly put them in the same pan with the rest if you prefer).
Place cinnamon rolls into a warm oven to rise for 30 minutes (I get my oven to about 100 degrees then I turn it off before I place the rolls into the oven). After cinnamon rolls have risen, bake the rolls in a 350 degree pre-heated oven (we have two ovens so I rise my rolls in the top oven and pre-heat the bottom oven for baking, but if you have one oven be very careful when you remove your rolls from the oven so that you can pre-heat your oven because if you jostle them too much they may fall and not be as fluffy) for 28-30 minutes.
Yield- 2 dozen rolls (each pan yields 8 rolls).
Cream Cheese Frosting for Cinnamon Rolls
3 Tablespoons salted butter, melted
3 Tablespoons THM Gentle Sweet**
6 oz, softened cream cheese (I use the 1/3 less fat Neufchâtel, but regular works fine as well)
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
Stir all together well (I used my hand held mixer) in a small bowl and spread on top of hot cinnamon rolls if desired.
*Note: These are a THM Crossover (CO), which means that they are best if reserved for special occasions, for pregnant and nursing mamas and for children as they are not as weight loss conducive, however they are way better for your waistline than their sugar-laden counter parts. =)
**Xylitol can be dangerous to dogs, so if you wish to use another sweetener try the new Xylitol-free Gentle Sweet.

Maybe I missed it but how much flour?
Carla, there is a link to the dough recipe (same one I use for my sprouted bread recipe) the beginning of the recipe for the for the cinnamon roll ingredients. Here it is also- =)
Thank you!
You’re so welcome! ????
I’m not sure why, but when I make the bread, it always tastes like sourdough bread, which I love, so never thought it was a problem. But I cannot see using this for cinnamon rolls. I get my sprouted wheat flour at a Mennonite store in their refrigerated section. Is the sourdough taste normal and expected or do I have a problem with my flour?
Deb, it is not normal for it to taste like sourdough, so I’m guessing it may be your flour that is the issue. I recommend you try to make it with the “To Your Health” brand for optimal flavor and texture. ????