As Christmas is upon us, this is a good reminder for us to focus on the real reason for the season, which is Christ’s birth and the salvation He brings. In remembering that, we also need to remember not to just TALK about the Savior, but to LIVE in a manner worthy of being called a Christian. While our works do not save us, they are markers for who we really are and either a light to the world of Christ’s love or a bad example. This photo session points to the fruit of the Sprit. As we connect with our family this Christmas and live out the coming year, we need to always remember what God has called us to be…
The sweet and vivacious Brent triplets wanted to display the fruit of the Spirit for their Christmas card this year, so we did this fun photo shoot to show those qualities. Even more fun for the kids, was that they got to take the pictures while in their jammies with cookies and milk! Their great big and adorable fluffy dog even got to join in on the pictures! Enjoy this sneak peek into a fun-filled session! Merry Christmas everyone!
But the fruit of the Spirit is Love…






But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23

Beautiful reminders! Thank you for sharing, and merry Christmas to you all! 🙂