Pretty sure no one has ever said…”Hmm, I think I’d like some zucchini to go with my coffee”. But, because I like to live my life on the wild side (just kidding…I’m pretty much the most predictable, non risk-taking person alive I think! That’s probably why the Lord had a sense of humor and paired me with my husband who is the ultimate spontaneous, most risk-loving guy that I know of…well, except for maybe Chip Gaines…I think that Chip may be Kyle’s secret twin!) I’m trying really hard to add more veggies into my daily routine (you can read more about this topic on my post HERE) and because I’ve had such great success at hiding squash in my Strawberry Healthy Stealthy Shake and my Peanutty Chocolate Healthy Stealthy Shake, I thought why not try it and see if I can tell that it is in there?!? I’m happy to report that I cannot taste the squash in this Cafe Mocha Latte Shake!!! Yay! It’s super easy to whip up, too! I dare you to be brave and try it then come back and report! =) This shake can be made as a Fuel Pull or as a Satisfying meal/snack on Trim Healthy Mama. Directions for both are below. Enjoy!
Cafe Mocha Healthy Stealthy Shake
(THM FP or S–*see note)
1/2 of a small-medium zucchini (the healthy stealthy ingredient!) or you can use 1/4 of zucchini if you’re scared 😉
1 cup of almond or cashew milk
1 cup of strongly brewed coffee (I use about two shots of espresso. Decaf can be used if desired)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon caramel extract
1/2 scoop of unsweetened vanilla Protein Powder
1 1/2 Tablespoons cocoa powder (I use Hershey’s) or Raw Cacao
1 Tablespoon Super Sweet Blend
2 cups of ice
Optional-add 1/4 cup half and half or heavy whipping cream and/or 1/3 cup cottage cheese for an S treat that is even more creamy. Garnish with Whipped Cream on top if desired for an S version or with a cap full of FF Reddi Whip for an FP version.
Yield: 1 quart