As the birth of our eighth baby approaches any day now, I am pondering some recent thoughts…
Often my husband and I are asked why we have so many children. Many tell us we are crazy or they say things like “Do you know what causes that?” and “Surely you are done now, right?!”, along with a myriad of other questions and comments…
I try and respond to those that ask, with what a blessing we consider our children to be and that babies always bring so much JOY. Seriously, babies have brought such immeasurable joy to every member of our family and I cannot imagine our life without a single one of them.
Is it easy having children? Absolutely not. Is it convenient? Not in a million years. Is it difficult and tiring being pregnant and nursing for years on end? You better believe it. Is it worth every bit of inconvenience, tiredness, and sacrifice etc…YES a million times over! Aside from the saving grace of our Lord and the incredible gift that my husband is in my life, being given the gift of children has been the most precious of gifts that the Lord has ever given to me! Having lost two babies through miscarriage also makes me realize what an amazing miracle life is. It is not something that I take lightly or for granted. “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21
No two families are alike and I know that the Lord chooses differently for each family, so I would never want to hold what the Lord has chosen for us as somehow superior to those that may have fewer or no children. I only know what the Lord has laid on my heart and the heart of my husband, which is a longing for sweet little ones.
Someday there will come a time when our family will have no more babies and we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now I am relishing in the precious GIFT of a child and can’t wait to meet our new little one very soon…
(I’ve been terrible at documenting this pregnancy, so I had a few pictures taken recently to try to make up for what I lack from the rest of the pregnancy. Here’s a sneak peek of a few of those…)

Thanking God for the gift of you!
You are JOYFULLY BEAUTIFUL inside and out…i love you!
Those pictures are amazing! I can’t wait to see pictures of your bundle of joy. Praying for you and your family during this time. Children are definitely a heritage from the Lord!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of you, Kristen!
Kristen, you radiate the joy God has given you through your babies! I love that you and your husband are raising soldiers for His kingdom! I check every day to see if there’s news of this latest gift. You are such a blessing!
Precious! Thanks for sharing your heart. Babies are so wonderful. It’s hard to believe anyone would criticize for something so completely happy and God given.
You and Kyle are blessed in so many ways. Wonderful pictures, I can’t wait to see your new baby in person. Blessings.
I love that perspective Kristin! Children are a blessing! May God continue to give you strength for those sweet blessings!
We are so happy for your family’s new addition!
You are just radiant! Pregnancy and motherhood become you! Love you friend! Congrats on your newest addition!
Its always a blessing to read your comments and swe your pregnancy journey from conception to birth! I hope God blesses you with many more Miracles!
I love this. I think when God calls you your obedience is so important. Babies are such a blessing and I know it isn’t easy but it is so worth it. Your family is precious!
Beautifully said. I get comments about “another one” “at your age” even with just three or a possible fourth. So refreshing to hear your perspective!